2016, Jeete Hain Chal - Part III


Been the toughest year of my life so far. Got screwed at work. Became victim of office politics, messed up everything. Wasn't good in relationship, or even at friendship. Tried hand at online dating with a masked, false persona. Met in real, could've taken it further, but the guilt gave in. Took all the possible wrong decisions. Even contemplated ending everything. But the tough times toughened me. Learnt living frugally, mostly due to the sub-par salary. Went on a few trips, those were good. Met family often, realized their importance. I will never be the same after 2016.


So, the year has come a full circle for me, from New year in Bombay to Christmas in Bombay.

What happened in between? A lot.

The biggest difference I would say was me getting out of my comfort zones a lot more. From
asking out a random stranger in a club to complimenting another (okay the
second one was a dare, but it still counts); from running a half marathon in a
time I wouldn’t have believed possible to completing a 32km cycle trek; putting
in a good number of hours at the office and still having the stamina to study
back home, I did a lot of things that I can look back and pat myself on the
back for. It might not be earth-shattering, but it’s at least a start for
bigger and better things (I hope).

3 things matter in life. In the same order of importance:

1. Health - This is the first thing that needs to
be remedied by all of us. How soon? Yesterday. These few years will decide my
remaining 50. (?) Will I just be content by hearing my children’s stories or
will I go out and make my own? Will I just dream about all those adventure
sports or will I actively participate in them? For about 3 months of the year,
I woke up early morning to jog. It felt great but sadly, a change in my house
broke the spree. Need to work lots on this come 2017. One good thing in this
area was me sticking to my resolution of brushing twice a day. Baby steps.

2. Family - It has almost been a year since I
lost Dadaji. The first funeral I ever attended. The most disciplined plan I
knew. Rest in peace Dadaji. I read somewhere that most kids don’t realize the
fact that as they are growing up, their parents are also growing older. It has
stayed with me somehow. Especially this year, as all the members have at times
been at separate places. The worst affected by this is obviously Mummyji. Hope
she finds the strength to face this for as long as this lasts (she will). I
wish the best for all of us.

3. Experiences - At the end of our life, it’s not the
things we did that we regret, its those which we didn’t. This past year had
some great experiences in store for me – a 2.5 hour chat with a random stranger
in an airplane gave me more information about him than I have about most
people; the long awaited trip with school friends to Mussorie was a blast
starting from a crazy train ride (after 10 years) and ending with a chaotic bus
ride back; the random Pondicherry trip with office friends turned out to be
quite fun; pushing my body to the limits by running (more like jogging +
walking) 21km in 2:46 and feeling at the top of the world at 3 in the morning;
winning a YouTube contest on a channel I like (Jaby Koay); the year end Bombay
trip was 2 days of unparalleled craziness thanks to a Japan returned
over-enthusiastic friend who had some other-worldly plans for the trip;
countless movies, TV Shows and novels; experiencing the highs and lows of
office life. Here’s wishing for an even crazier 2017 (yes, I have you in mind -
international trip).

A few things I hope to know a little better about by the next
year end:

1. What do I want to do in life?
I’m not naïve. I know it takes much more than a year to answer this. That’s
why I mentioned I hope to know a little better. Of the top of my mind, I’m
inclining more and more towards not doing a derivative job and instead taking
up something which creates something (a new product/new company/building upon
an existing product). Apart from this, I want to be a part of something that
helps the society (and my country in general). Let’s hope I get some clarity on
this front in a year.

2. Playing a flute
I bought a pair of flutes about 8 months back. Its about time I got
around learning how to play them.

Ending with a quote from Ghalib:
Raastey Kahan Khatm Hote Hain Zindagi Ke Safar Main,
Manzil to wahi hai jahan khwaaishein tham jayein


Fuck you, 2016. Fuck you. Stop it, just stop it!

This is what greets my unfocussed eyeballs as I skim the news feed on social media on my phone, like a zombie.

Well, for me personally, the year was a mixed bag. On the one hand, I progressed a lot both personally and professionally. I wrote and got published for the first time ever, I acted, I directed (children's plays, but it still counts), I sang, I played music (both on stage and off of it), I sketched, I went on dates (after more than half a decade), I made new friends and I travelled solo.

On the other hand, I lost my faith in humanity in a world where Donald fucking Trump can be elected President of the USA, in a world where iPhone and Note 7 explosions garner more social uproar than genocides in the Middle East.

"When the good comes to bad, the bad comes to good
But I'mma live my life like I should" - Limp Bizkit

And so, with that attitude I'll sign off on New Year's eve - having done all that I love on the last day of the year - Theatre - a class, Art - a touch up on my recent sketch of Emma Watson, Writing - this post, Guitar - a practice session of the evergreen "Drifting" by Andy McKee, Hogging - Thai and Karnataka food at Ashvita Bistro and Prems Grama Bhojanam respectively, and last but not least, hanging out with friends - watching a morning show of Moana. I realize I missed out on one small thing - a date, but well, bros before hoes.

Yours in insanity,
Yugesh Aslam Khan Mahaan Pathaan Zubaan Champaklal Pataudi


2016. An year of lessons.
Yes. That's precisely how I would describe my 2016 in a single sentence. Personal as well as professional. Yet today as I ponder over the happenings of this last year, I have a smile on my face. A smile of gratitude towards God and my family and friends for being my strength and support system through it all. I feel blessed and I hope to be blessed forever. A smile of realization for all the things that now seem to make some sense in the larger scheme of things. A smile for all the smiles I smiled. A smile for all the tears that I shed. A smile for all the lessons that I learnt. A smile for newer and happy beginnings! A smile for a very happy, successful, enriching yet fulfilling and prosperous 2017 :)


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