2014 - Time and Place - Part 0

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2014 - Lets take a round figure 2048 :)

This year has been like this. Full of geeky stuff.

When i joined the company someone told me that rest of your life will be occupied mostly by your work and he is right. This year has been occupied almost by work only , So rest of post will be dominated by my work only.

I will try and break year into 14 points or maybe i will eventually went on for round figure of 16.

1. Jan - Year started with a cricket practice and then a cricket match which my team won . Perfect start. This with chilly office trips and occassional work from homes mark the January month.

2. Feb - No different office , work , metro, 4hrs trip, not so good work somehow managed to let go feb also.

3. March - This is where things start looking interesting. Decided in my mind enough of this work. This needs to be changed. Bad dreams about future. This goes on for weeks before i finally gather courage to talk to my manager. Yes i was such a jerk back then that i delayed this much for meeting with my manager.  But its never too late. Finally i got my team changed and got some meaningful work and bad dreams gone.

4. April - New month , new team. Finally got to taste the real work. Get to know how real things work. 
Decide that i should make it count and make my company realize how wrong were they for putting me into a wrong team.  New team, new challenges , fast paced , hectic , long working hours , virtual weekends but pleasing work mark the April.

5. May - Month where i finally made my company realise of their mistake of putting me into wrong team. Turning point in company and also for me in this company.  My company is going on tvc and our product is not in good condition, reliability is 79% and we have to increase it to 99.99 % in 50 days. I was chosen for this work. Big challenge. Do or die situation. But all the great things happen under pressure. Start looking at problems, found many , solved many. This goes to the end of may.

6. June -  Continuation from previous month , solved some to the biggest issues and finally  hard work paid fruits. Reliability increased many folds. Product back in good shape. And we are on tv.
Ratings shoot up, downloads shoot up. And so we have to work long nights to go through this period so that this phase goes flawless. 

7. July - This whole month our add campaign went on , so we have to on our toes in realising features quickly, handling any fires.

8. August-  end of successful tv campaign. Not any major issues. Time to thank god. Went to Haridwar :).  Got my repo up in company. Things working out well. got some interesting features to build.

9. September - This month has been both happy and sad. Happy because we are going goa. Company is taking us all paid trip to goa to thank us for all hard work. Sad because my mentor has left the company. He was true inspiration and by far most leaned , knowledgable person in team.

10. October - without mentor. Have to be my own mentor. Time to slow down and start leaning again, lots of open source code. Solved some to prehistoric bugs that hasn’t been solved yet. Month full of learning and diwali also :)

11. November- Birthday time in the beginning. Interstellar. Driving . Office up down. Traffic. And  a leaving of person who wrote almost all the code for the app left the company to every one shock.

12. December-  Things start looking suspicious as to why everyone is leaving company and if everyone is leaving why i am staying :) . There has literally chaos in team. New manager. Big people gone , now i am one of most earliest person of company in the team. So new responsibilties and more challenges. Company people got worried and increased pay handsomely not realiasing that no one will stay in company for money. Atleast for now everyone is staying but for how long no one knows.

13. Now that all months gone , and you must have realised that i wrote almost only about work, but i have done nothing much other than this this year. This year i got to know about one thing in life that nobody is thinking abut you, about your career telecast in your company. You have to look after yourself and fight to take your right. The sooner you realise the better. You have to more vocal to get yourself heard. These are two things i am taking from this year.

14. Regarding next year— looking forward to it. But not expecting anything much from it. Will take it when life gives it. At this point i want quote before ending :

Yesterday is history , Tomorrow is mystery but today is a gift thats why its called present — (from movie kung fu panda)

Happy New Year


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