I once wrote a letter to my mausi in the winter of 1999. I still have it but its in a very poor condition. Its all pale yellow and slightly smeared in blue ink on both sides but I can read the words properly. Its torn into 8 pieces owing to reapeated closing and opening.

Its the first piece of writing that I have and its very dear to me. It rested with her for many years and she gave it to me 2 years back since when it has been with me in my wallet.

It will survive atmost 1-2 years more and then the words shall dissolve in time to be lost forever. Thats one of the reasons that I decided to put it up here, I will atleast have it somewhere. Some friends have suggested me to get it laminated, which I won't for sure. Holding it in a plastic will be nothing like these torn 8 pieces of paper which I have to very carefully handle fearing its the last time I am reading it so I read it very rarely and opened it after a long time just so that I could write the words.

It takes me back to those old times. When I would impatiently wait for summer holidays to come and I would get to go to Bhiwani and spend time with my aunts and uncles and grandparents. I have spent most of my childhood with her and no one has never loved me or will ever do as much she has and does.

A smile flickers my face when I think of those times but suffocation and not happiness is responsible for it. Its a smile of helplessness.

One day will come when I open it to find all the words gone away. I will try hard to read but I won't be able to get those words back. I will think that I am not concentrating enough but after enough passes, a drop of tear shall escape my eyes to recite me the truth. That day I will sigh and open my blog to read it. I will read it a thousand times and my past, childhood will be flashing before my eyes simultaneously. I will read it again and again till I fall asleep reclining in my chair and even while I am asleep, my dreams shall carry me to my past and show the world left far behind.

These might just be 8 pieces but they carry a million memories and millions shards of love within them which shall remain even if it itself doesn't.

My english wasn't too good back then, so see all the mistakes and laugh. And see one thing, I was a writer then also. :D I never knew that I could write a sher (couplet) even back then. :P

Dear Uma Mausi,

How are you? I am fine and hope the same for you. How are your studies going on? In the last letter that my exams are going on. What were your position in that exams. Atul was very sad from you because you didn't wished him and didn't wrote any letter. Now you will not have to wait for my letter. My exams are too going on. I am selected in the recitation in the annual function. I will have to recite the poem in front of the whoals school's parents. It will be very nice. Now wish papaji on Sunday. You will be free on sunday. And if you don't wish papaji he will be too sad from you. Everybody waits for you to come. On which day you came to Bhiwani, you were crying, I was too crying inside my body and I was very happy.

Do well in studies. My best wishes are with you. Say namaste to your principal. Keep writing letters to me and calling by phone. Reply answers to all of my questions in the letter and hope to see soon.

Yours Lovingly,
9 year old Anant.

Milne ka waqt kise se aata to hai,
Milne ka waqt kise se aata to hai.
Lekin paas aate hain to,
To log door chale jaate hain.
Uma Mausi, I love you.

(Sketch of an arrow through the heart )


  1. Your English ain't that bad..but well written, especially the sher..waiting your next article.. :)

  2. @Ashish: I laugh a lot when I read it, there are a lot of mistakes. Thanks for praising my sher (says the 9 yr old left in the past- I cant take credit for it.)

  3. I m a witness or rather a testimony to these 8 pieces of your past !! likhta to mast tha tu pehle bhi .....
    "crying inside my body" --- BIG time Rofl !!

  4. great man...really nice meomory to cherish on...really funny and ironic to read 9 year old anant's english !!

  5. @Vineet: I know. Thanks really for reading.


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