AU REVOIR 2011 - Part 2

This is the 2nd part of my year end post. How can it be complete without my friends, the people who mean all this life to me. Last year I asked some of my friends to write for my blog in my year end post. I wanted them to write about their year - any important moment, any unforgettable moment, or what the year meant for them. I have repeated the same this year too and now I intend to make it an yearly ritual, though the friends writing will keep on changing. There are some new people this year, few from the last year din't write this year. Anyway, looking on the bright side, the family size has increased. Since all the entries if combined in one post will make it look like a novella, I will divide it into two posts.
Before their experiences, there is a song which I couldn't mention in the previous post. I don't know if I understand these lyrics completely, I don't even know if I relate to any of them, but I just Love it.

Kabhi mujhe lagey ke jaise, saara hi yeh jahaan hai jadoo
Jo hai bhi aur nahin bhi hai yeh, fiza ghata hawa bahaarein
Mujhe kare ishaare yeh
Kaise kahoon, kahani main inki

Maine yeh bhi socha hai aksar
Tu bhi main bhi sabhi hai sheeshe
Khudhi ko hum sabhi main dekhein
Nahin hoon main hoon main toh phir bhi
Sahi galat, tumhara main
Mujhe paana, paana hai khud ko

Here we go.

Anonymous 1

This year was fine, good and not so good, but definitely a lot of 'stuff' happened as compared to previous years.

One day in the metro (fyi, it now takes me 2.5 hrs to get back home from college, and am alone, so the journey gets pretty boring sometimes), I saw a girl, she was about 20-21 years old, but had the innocence of a new born. She had the smile so sweet, that it makes me smile, when I think about it. She was a bit short, about 5 feet at most, maybe, bu the most beautiful girl I had seen for sometime. I could keep going on and on, and it won't fit in one post. (btw this was completely unrelated to how my year was, the author of this blog asked me to keep the entry a bit lengthy.)

So, coming back, it has been a pretty happening year. Went to Germany, got drunk as hell, took a leak in our very own central park (it may the second worst act someone did there, you know what the worst one is), slept on a fcking pavement in CP, shifted homes, got a playbook. I hope 2012 brings me peace and stability, just kidding, I want it to be this eventful. But yes, I do want employment this year.

Anonymous 2

Another year comes to an exciting end with a lot happening in the pulse of India – cricket, politics and cinema. As I look back at the last 364 days (and nights), the world has completely changed for me. There have been many ups and downs as usual. But as the custom is, we just remember the good things about someone/something going away. I want to do the same for this happening year.
When I look back, the most exciting time was during the months of July and November. While there was a lot of work to do during this time, I tried many new things during the same time. Met many people during this time and every individual left some unforgettable memories. The best part has been that I made two very special friends – of quite opposite natures – who have brought a significant change in my life.
Just one more day left and I feel I missed many opportunities to do much more masti. So my New Year resolution is that I’ll just enjoy this year khulke.

Anonymous 3

This year saw me fighting for marks. For the first time I was on the other side (have-nots) of the great divide between those who did have marks and those who did not. Once again , the thoughts of  "marks se kya hota hai" began to surface in my head. Einstein , Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, all these people had problems with grades. So be me . But there was a slight problem, none of them wanted to do a job, unlike me . I don't want to start a company or take up a clerk job at patent office. The list of what I missed on this year is long, what is longer ,is, what i have learnt. I have learnt to be patient, to respect the process, to do hard work. The lattter part I learnt in the very last days of this year, when i got an opportunity to be part of a winter school which involved working for a minimum of 15-16 hours a day. I don't remember last when I have worked that hard. Its been a good year if I look back. Somebody I know personally enough to be sure he is no sheldon cooper, got an intern at "Microsoft", which strengthens faith that normal do get to work in such companies. When everyone around me is getting ready to bell the "CAT" , I choose to remain faithful to science ( some may feel to scared to bell the "CAT") . That's pretty much my 2011 , all jumbled up.

Anonymous 4

Another year comes to an end. Yet again too quickly it went.
The year as a whole was not so disappointing. In fact now when I look back, I am glad that I learned so many new things this year. It started by learning programming ;) I learned how to solve so many fights with my bf and love him more no matter what. I learned how to laugh even when I am sad. I learned how to not to regret so much over small things in life. I learned how to crack more jokes and keep everyone happy around me (though that comes naturally to me anyway ;)). I learned how to learn good things from people around me. I learned how to learn from my mistakes. I learned how to forgive easily. And I am still learning how to live my life in each moment.
The year started with a great event in my life, my one and only sister’s marriage. Very excited I was and first few months went in its preparations only. I observed each and every proceeding of the marriage with a keen eye and learnt many things and enjoyed a lot with my family and my relatives.
I am happy to have spent good quality time with my bf too this year. We visited many places and went on a few double dates too. All the outings were full of fun and tiredness too. :D. Happiest I was to have completed one year in relationship with him despite of so many baby-breakups :D. With time we have started understanding each other more. But we still will keep fighting on small things like small babies.
Another thing I am happy about is that I read quite a few novels this year unlike any other year. The one I liked the most was ‘The Fountainhead’. I discovered that my speed of reading is directly proportional to the length of the novel ;)
To my pleasant surprise the year even ended with a trip. So happy I was again. I went to shirdi with my family. It was my first time that I travelled via plane. So very excited I was. It feels like a ride when the plane takes off and lands and the view from up above the clouds is very beautiful. We visited a few other popular temples too in Aurangabad and the famous ellora caves too about which we read in our 10th class. :D All the caves were of similar type with a few differences in each one of them. Most are dedicated to gods and goddesses from the Hindu mythology. While a few are dedicated to Jainism.
Every famous temple we visited saw too many religious believers every day. Such a large crowd!!! And I fail to understand why so many people believe so much in god and will do anything to see their idols and pray to them for as long as they can.
Now I will say tata bye bye to this good year 2011 and with little hopes and a lot of excitement I welcome the New Year 2012. New Year resolution will be only one- to live happily each day and each moment of my life with my family and my friends and to keep everyone around me happy too. (I LOVE YOU. :*)


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