Scribbling Day, Class of DPS Dwarka '09

Hey Anant!!
We've been together since 2 yrs... But I think I got to know you only just few days back(28th Jan '09)
You are a very nice person. Enjoy life. You'll not get a second chance to enjoy these moments. All the best for life..
Lots of luv
I'll not tell u my name

From Vikas Puri to Dwarka
Will always 'basanti chola'
- R*

Hey Anna,
I'll never forget u
As u r one of the most influential person i've met.
I hope that my sms was not read by ur dad - K*

Dear Anant,
We've been together since 5th and we have had great time, laughing our hearts out loud. (refer to 7th class)
Keep laughing always.
All the best
Take care

Oye.. Ye toh ud raha hai!! :p
Infinite is your potential... in everything that u do....
Will really miss u...

Yo Anant,
Thanks for befriending an ass like me. You've taught me so much of life. Wish you succeed in life.
- P*

Hey Anant
Yaar we spent a lot of years 2gether and I found u as one of the most different person I've met. Hope 2 meet you again.

Yo Chola,
One of the most genuine person
You are a really cool guy, ek dam mast rehta hai, Padhle sale! Best of luck bro.
2nd round :p
I'll tell you what I think abt you. You seem to be real calm on the surface but inside you  are really thinking. You are a real deep thinker. One of the best minds of our class. This was my perception.

Hey Bhai.. WE had no contact 4 so many yrs... But getting to know u the way I did this year was amazing... I truly found a brother in you... I had so much fun this year... All thanks to u guys... Seriously life will seem so boring, when I'll come to this class and not see you. Spent some of the most special moments with you... Will seriously miss u like hell. Hope we get to start that business we planned :d. Njoy life bhai. N keep smiling.
PS: As once the gr8 Anant said, "Intelligent to hum bachpan se hain!!"

Kya Bhai?!?!
Ke haal chaal? Kat gaya :p
I just want to tell you that you are a great person, I'll always remember the time that we had at VMC, in the metro doing CC and do you remember "Khainch legi"!  and our tradition of calculating our marks at the station. I actually think you do get bored sometimes when I am just talking shit(which happens a lot of times) but I just want to thank you for being there, for being a great listener, and an even better friend. Although.... you still haven't told me what you were going to ask me :( "cry". Chal chhud, I'd rather blv that someday you will. There's so much I want to stay but there's not that much space here and plus, it gives me a reason to stay in touch. Good luck! II hope we both get into good colleges!
Luv, A*

Chola Basanti Re!
Zyada mat socha kar.. chill maar!!

Anant Bhai
Reli jealous of u. Ur sense of humour ROX!!
N ur a true genius
Love, N*

The great guy,
I really adore u(not bad sense) for what you are!
Great to have been your partner sometimes!

- Number Genuis
- Dadhi man of 12
- Mast forever
Rock on!!
(btw the name was vana)

You are the best person I have ever met.
Keep smiling

Thanks for the time that I spend with you
Hope we will be friends forever. Blessed to have u as a friend.
Miss u a lot

Hey Chola
U  one of the brightest persons I have ever met! 
Keep rockin
- S*(Ape)

Yo bro
VMC chola
Keep smiling 4ever...


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