2015 - Mann Kasturi Re - Part IV

Anonymous 3

Two days back as Anant reminded me about the year review blog, I thought I am not going to do it this year. There hasn't been anything new this year and nothing exciting to tell. He then reminded me that it is about sharing experiences and lessons learned, about new and old dreams overcoming fears. I listened to that and the exact response in my head was 'meh'. Now comes the next day, and my manager tells me that I would be moving to a report to someone else. At that moment I was like, this is it "I am not going to write the review, and I am definitely going to leave this company. He wants me to move to a different manager, I will show him how different I can get. But, most importantly I am not going to write the year-end review. Now today is the last day of this year, it is 9:40 a.m. as of this moment and here I am writing this. I guess I will just have to move to a different company now so that I am not a complete liar. Or else my pants will be on fire because we all know 'liar liar pants on fire'

Enough about me. Let's talk about important things. How important should work be in your life ? Should your job be an important part of your life or should it be just one of those things you do that gets you money to pay rent and buy food. You guessed right, I was right out of college this year and working for the first time. And as is with many people who just start working, I worked my ass off, often working 16 hours a day. It is not healthy, but hey I was just trying to compete with a guy in office who works 14 hours a day. I asked myself that question every single day, and avoiding to answer every single day. I went back and forth on my position on this, working only 6-8 hours a day for few months, and I liked the 16 hours a day a lot better than 6 hours a day. Just seeing myself accomplish so much work in one day gave me the excitement some people get from reading, others get from painting and yet others get by spending time with their loved ones. All this makes me sound like a dull, boring guy who only knows how to work hard, guess what, it is true. And this has been 2015s biggest revelation to me. I found the one thing that gives me satisfaction: WORK. I just realized, this paragraph was also about me but we did try to touch upon an important question: "What is the thing you can't do without?"

During the phase when I said to myself: "F*** work, I am going to do whatever I like", I went to my first trip to Europe, and then back home to India to my parents for Diwali. Let me tell you, this phase was super awesome. For 2 months I was just packing my bags for one place or the other. I visited 6 different cities during that time. I was only doing the minimum possible work at office, going to gym, watching movies, reading books, every night going to a bar/restaurant. It was a lot of fun. As the year rolled out, I realised I like all of this but only in small doses, only as an outlier to my life.

The only thing I dislike about this year was that I gave up on a person this year. Never have I in my life, given up on anyone. I have always been able to find at least a little good in everyone and then given them time to show me a better side of them. But, this year was different, I gave up on someone who was once a good friend. Once, I did that I found now it was becoming easier for me to give up on people. So, one of my resolution for 2016 is to not let myself give up on any more people. Because, whenever you decide to give up on someone it says a lot about the person, but it also says something about you, as you can't see the light in that person. For completely consumed by the dark side, no one  is.
I made some new friends, revived some old friendships and lost some good friends this year. 

I have a lot of hopes from the next year, and wanted to write more about that, but have to leave now because I am yet to pack my bags for tonight I am will be in Vegas to ring in the New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of the places I have been this year:


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