Anonymous 5

2012 was a perfect example of a sine wave. :D Yeah certainly the Mayans didn't predict it. :P
It came with a few surprises and happiness in the first part of the year along with sadness and difficulty in the latter part of the year. Well the good news is, that it is ending peacefully with calmness in my heart. :)

The starting of this year was filled with new experiences. First of these included participating in an all night coding event at JNU. It was so much fun. I will never forget the experience of that day, giving prelims, waiting for the result, passing time by roaming around in the campus, chatting away with friends and luckily even clearing and even winning an event in which we had to stay there all night!! It is the first time that i must have spent a whole night awake and outside home. :D In the morning when the contest was over it was nice to go out of the lab and feel the chilling cold while the campus covered with fog.
The second of these exciting experiences was Sankalan. The two days were the best days of my life. Surprisingly we were clearing almost every prelim round and emerging as toppers in it. :D In the end we won in 3 events, had an awesome time with our seniors and friends, had awesome food, became popular(all because of my over-excited partner in the competition :D). The winning part is most surprising. I could never think that he and I as a team could do so well, that at one point we left even our seniors behind. :D
The latter part of the year dealt with a lot of expectations and hardships as the placement season had started at that time. I faced many rejections in various companies. Some were saddening, some were heartbreaking while there were some which were unaffecting too (funny, isn’t it? ;)). I kept a record of all these rejections and i am happy today that i could finally deal with it during that awful time and get over it. The day i got placed, i can really say, i valued it.

What i learnt this year is a very important thing. We might keep giving importance to so so many things in our life like getting good marks, getting a good placement, getting married in a good family(well this is not perhaps one of the things on my mind right now, but mentioning it just as an example), but actually the only thing that matters in life is that you are surrounded with your family and friends. Family and friends are the only entities in your life who will always support you, no matter what might happen. They will always encourage you to do well in your life. Whatever they may say, you might not take it seriously when you are sad (because you are too much into your sadness only), but later you will realise that their words do give you the strength to move forward in life. Most importantly, they always will make you happy. Time spent with family and friends is most valuable and relaxing.
Oh another very important thing i learnt is, to be selflessly happy for others. Well yeah, there is nothing to learn about it, but i can say i felt it this year. :D Not once or twice, but many times. Earlier never such occasions came, but this time when it did, i could feel that i can be happy for my best friends. I became so happy, that my smile did not cease to exist for one day at least. :D

All in all, 2012 gave me such an wonderful experience that i will never forget it in my life. It made me not just an year older but perhaps a year wiser too. :)

Anonymous 6

2012 taught me the importance of every new day of my life. It taught me that life is today and not tomorrow. It taught me the importance of letting go..
I have been the laziest human one could ever find but few incidences taught me that time is now. It made me understand the importance of the word 'move'.. I learnt that you could always be at the top and still be unhappy and empty in your heart. It taught me the meaning of inner happiness & that happiness lies with the peace of your mind which is directly related with self healing.. Self healing is way to fill up all those pot holes that were created in your life, all the regrets and all the bad decisions.. 2012 taught me to fill every moment of my life with positive attitude and love..

Anonymous 7

Helllloooo Anant, I can't tell you howwwww lazy i'm feeling writing this, but I'm nice, so here you go :)

2012 has been a special and eventful year for me. Only because of the wonderful people in my life who gave me love and support throughout the year.
Okay, it's going to be a brief post from me this year because it's the laziest winter of my life.
The first special thing that happened was a family trip to Chennai, Andaman, Singapore and Indonesia. I've never enjoyed more on any trip than this one. We went to a different beach everyday. Each one of them was beautiful. And ofcourse the trip was amazing because of the love of my life, Taksh. He calls me buaaa now. Making sandcastles (that looked nothing like sandcastles) with him was the highlight of the trip. I don't know why he thinks I'm his age and loves fighting with me.
Also, I traveled on a ferry for the first time in my life (from Port Blair to Havelock and then from Singapore to Bintan). Being in the middle of the ocean, with water as far as you can see, is something you must experience. 

The other most amazing thing was Deloitte. I got placed in the second company that came to my college. Frankly, I never imagined I'll get it so easily. The first round was the written test which went just okay, but I cleared it. Then was the group discussion in which I think I did terribly. I was just waiting for them to announce the result because I wanted to go home. I was sure I wouldn't make it. But I think I got lucky, 7 out of 8 people in my group got selected and I was one of them. After the GD, I thought to myself that there was a reason that I reached this far and now I couldn't let it go. The interview went great and I was confident I'll get selected. I imagined what it would be like when they tell me that I'm selected, but when they finally announced my name, I didn't know what to feel. I think I was very happy but I couldn't feel the happiness yet, I guess because I couldn't believe it, until I met my parents and realized how happy they were. It was one of the few moments in my life when I could make my parents proud of me. I wish there are a lot more to come.
I never thought I'd get into such a good company, maybe because I was unsure of what I wanted to do. Maybe I still am. But Deloitte really brought a lot of happiness.
Needless to say, it couldn't have happened if it wasn't for Tanmay and you. So, thank you. 
And yes, Deloitte got all the more happiness when I got my offer letter and came to know that I'll be staying in Gurgaon instead of Hyderabad. With Tanmay finally coming to Gurgaon after 4 years of staying away, I am really looking forward for it.

All my close friends also got placed in good companies and I'm very happy for them. 

Rest of 2012 was great as well. It was a happy year overall, except for the end of the year, because of the disturbing 16th December incident which got grief for Delhi, as well as whole of India. I hope things change and India someday comes out of this mess by finding effective measures for the safety of its citizens.

Anonymous 8

2012 hmmm...... while people were putting their money on the apocalypse, many things happened for first time in my life. Although on timeline January was rather a  bit bleak, nothing important while in February things changed completely. Skipped the college fest and headed straight to Jalandhar, Amritsar on my first inter state tour with eceities . The expedition taught me about the value and importance of an era still preserved in the heritage sites and making its way through the present times. March brought me face to face with the IIT Delhi roughly after 3 years and I participated in my first Inter college competition. April and May was bit more challenging than thrilling. Appeared for the first written intern exam and got selected for interview but I somehow made sure not to get selected in interview. Criticism followed . Consciously not giving your 100% is not acceptable in the society. Somehow I managed to get ahead of it. June July, solitary days spent to enlighten academically. Comeback in August. After some failed trails in placement session (in my defence, I had not prepared well ), 12th August became a milestone. Placed early and placed well and placed where I wanted myself to be. For a week my mind was partying with itself. Everything seemed a bit more vivid. Not to my mention about the first drink in midst of night. September its all about the mid semester examination and when it schedules  literally in the middle of the month, then the whole month becomes trivial in your life. Late October I was scheduled to appear for the first management examination. It didn't go the way I had expected  and the period ,when the feeling of getting stuck in an abyss overwhelmed , followed  . Mid December was all about watching Tv shows and Movies as much as I could. Stuck with FTv( food & television  movies ) . This bring me straight forward to today. Not a pleasant day at all .Tried hard to convince from everybody to anybody to have an outing  but nobody , not a single friend was ready. I guess both the temperature and New year Eve have spooked them and I m sure they must be exploring internet unnecessarily like me. 

Anonymous 9

The year went great. Better than I thought it would. I started out with no hopes and here I am, one of the most hopeful person within a block or two. Being optimistic isn't what am really good at, but people change when it's time.

Life was rough last year, or so I felt. It was quite the opposite this year. Got a good news early on, and it went upwards thereon. Got a better news mid year (apart from the fact that I had passed from college). It was one of those things which happen even if you keep trying to avoid it. I was never the people person, she changed it in me. She was the one who made me quit smoking. She was the only positive in my otherwise lonely, morose & negative life.

Now, am doing good at work, studying too. As if life does have a purpose now. Overall, it has been a great year and I wish the next one is better for people around me. :)

Anonymous 10

I’m 21 years old and coming 2 weeks will decide whether 14 years of school and 3 years of college were any good. If things turn out well, by the end August I would have a stamp on my forehead that says SOLD. Things turned out great and I had the stamp in first week itself. It took me 8 hours of sleep before I realised what has happened, and I was light. There are very few days, when you get up, and without any guilt, you say to yourself, yeah I can go back to sleeping, but this was not one of them. There were things I needed to do, for the stamp was not what I was after.
My accomplishments in 2012 are numerous. The biggest I believe is, I am a human recommender system for students looking to apply to Universities/Prof.  for graduate schools. Yes, in less than 1 hour I can give you 10 universities and which professor you should apply to in your field now. From wishing to do MS to Ph.D. and now probably back to MS, I have realised what I really want to do is get a degree from the TOP school, a dream left unfulfilled since IIT. Having been rejected by one of them, I am still on high hopes, because I have figured it out.
In past few months I have made peace with myself, and that means in next August, whether I am in Pittsburgh, Hyderabad, California, Bangalore, I will be on a high, for I go in 2013,
with nothing to lose and heaven to gain
In the last week I had the privilege to meet Dr. Rakesh Agrawal ( in the field of data mining he wears jersey No. 10), and he reaffirmed my idea of measuring success “Money is the worst way to measure success, but the only one we know”.


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