2010 BYE - PART 2

Anonymous 4

Its been a really long time since I have been thinking if 2010 was any better than the previous years of my life & the answer was that every year has just been the same (and equally disastrous) since I first stepped in my engineering college!!

There is a long list why 2010 was BAD but rather than concentrating on the bad memories, I thought good memories should be highlighted for some positivity around year end..

So, to begin with the best thing that happened in 2010 was the entry of a lil' angel in my life. She is my pet Coco. Being with her really helped me get out of some bad phases that i was absorbed into..

Broadly this year was about academic realizations & knowing what I really want in life. It was about getting to know some amazing people & admiring their perception of life. This year taught me to be independent & also to take one step at a time. Its like traffic signs. Stop, Get Ready & then Go.

My life was extremely goofed up but now I am slowly learning to untangle it by setting priorities & the deserved importance of every person & every event.
The virtue this year taught me was Patience & knowing that there are somethings planned out for you. All you've got to do is to have patience for your time to shine. Ofcourse there will be times when you would give up on your patience but its like clock work, whether you want it or not, the clock is always ticking.

I didn't expect 2010 to turn out in a particular way & nor would I expect the same from the coming year because certain surprises can just amaze you at times. As its said- what's the fun when you know what's in store for you!!

Anonymous 5

It was way past midnight, maybe two in night, but I wasn’t sleepy. I was on a trip with my friends, the first time. We had gone to IIT Kanpur, for their techfest. Our bot wasn’t prepared, and still we had the courage to take the train,thinking we’ll do it on the way, then hoping to do it after reaching there, and finally dropped the idea. Now all we had in mind was fun. Me and a friend decided to have a coke. They didn’t have coke so had to take Thumbs Up. Then we took a walk around the campus. We started from their canteen, and went to one hostel then the other, searching for a boundary wall of the campus. There was none. We saw many things around the campus, some of which can’t be put here without censoring .IITs are not about studies alone. Our drink got finished and I smashed my bottle on the ground. It was great, the sound. We thought we’ll have the walk once again,the day after, but couldn’t. for unfortunately we completed our bot and were standing int he queue at 3 in the night waiting for our turn.

Anonymous 6

Okay my best moment of 2010 is something kind of personal, so I can't really type it out in public. All I can tell you is that it was the most perfect bye-bye gift ever.
An awkward uncertain conversation, followed by a short drive 12 hours later, followed by a seemingly endless wait, followed by a few moments of confusion, followed by that single moment of the most pleasant surprise ever, followed by utter shock and disbelief that it actually happened, followed by hundreds of rushing thoughts and emotions, followed by a drive back home with almost 2 accidents because of the shock and disbelief, finally followed by the realization of the fact that it really did happen.

I know I make it sound something really huge, but all I can tell you is that it was the most perfect bye-bye gift ever.

Anonymous 7

I believe I can see the future
Cause I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
But then again
That might have been a dream
I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
I just do what I've been told
I really don't want them to come around

Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain

I can feel their eyes are watching
In case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I'm happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend
I can't remember how this got started
Neither I can tell you how it will end

I'm writing on a little piece of paper
I'm hoping someday you might find
Well I'll hide it behind something
They won't look behind
I'm still inside here
A little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could have been any other way
But I just don't know, I don't know what else I can do

Those are the replies I got. I would like to say something to every anonymous who wrote but not now since I have to publish this post in this year only. I will comment or mail to each one of them but for now, a sincere thanks from my side to everyone for setting aside time just for my fancy. It has made me really happy to get these small accounts from my best friends.

To be honest, my last day didn't go well at all. The day started with a bad dream. Then sad at first, later extremely frustrated in the evening at her for some reasons. Not getting replies from 2 friends, whom I reminded again and again.
But everything became perfect finally, I got replies from those 2 friends. Then I had my first video chat with her (one-sided, my cam doesn't work). It delighted me so much. It makes me think there couldn't have been a better end to this year.
I hope 2011 surpasses this year in happyness and contentment for me and everyone.

Love And Happyness And Life,

ps - My chaddi buddy has come on blogger too, give his blog a try. http://alcoholictoddler.blogspot.com/


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