2010 BYE - PART 1

Another year comes to an end. We all will celebrate Time's birthday tomorrow(it will already be today by the time most of you read it).

Every year of my life has been better than the last and it was no different this year too. The Roller-Mester post captured all that transpired during this semester, and the posts during the first half too spilled the way I used to feel that time.

I am running short of time so there wouldn't be much of me in this post.
This post is about my friends and my love. They are my life. I asked some of my friends to describe their best moments this year. Later I told them they could write anything about this year, what it meant to them, or what it brought for them.

Since I got longer replies than I expected(but that has only made me happier), this post is going to be in 2 parts. They are in the order in which I received them.

Anonymous 1

Best moments of the year 2010.. umm .. When..???. On.???.. Well I have never categorised any moment of my life as best or worst. But will try to write for you :) First I would like to thank you because you made me think on the topic which I never thought about. To start with, each day of my life is better than the previous one. And as you said in your earlier post, for me also '2010' was a period of CHANGE. With each passing year I am getting closer to LIFE and yes enjoying it :D. For most of us, enjoyment is only when hanging out with friends, parties etc etc. But I believe enjoyment is also the pleasure which we get from our small actions. So I love what I do. In year 2010 best moment was that each and every moment which gave me pleasure, satisfaction and love. And not to forget, I made a special friend this year with whom I feel free to share anything :D. Thank you for being such a good friend. :D

Anonymous 2

Was preparing for my semester examswhen i got a call from a friend. He asked me to write something about the important things that happened in my life. Firstly, I didn't really like an idea of celebrating a new year, let alone writing something about it. Call me scrooge, bt this is how i am. Reason: Well, its just another date and people just need a reason to celebrate at any given time. But, lets just skip my grudges and bore you out(and/or increase your hate towards my beliefs).

So, well, stuff did happen to me this year. I learnt that one shouldn't blindly believe in someone. People are not what they seem. Life isn't as jolly as people believe it to be. On the other hand, you might think that the people near you don't care about you, but just as new doors open when the others close, new friends come up when you break it up with the old 'friends'.

I barely passed in the last exams i had, and just like (almost) any college student, I do want to study hard and succeed. I got interested in a new field in relation to my course, which I think is tough, but will pursue no matter what. Also, I have no intent to stop smoking and drinking cz I don't regret a single bit of it (so think before you ask me to).

Anonymous 3

It was a dim sunny evening metro ride with some plans already in mind. Suddenly a thought struck, let’s leave everything aside and go to the cemetery right now where we had thought we would go sometime. We got off the metro and walked to the cemetery, thrilling our way through the busy road in its way. A chilling wave past the two of us as we entered through the gate of the cemetery.

We couldn’t see anyone except a few, who probably took care of the place. The place was spread in a large area. We walked the path in front of us. Walked in between too, reading the epitaphs on the graves of the bodies buried there. It surprised us seeing the graves of people ranging from two months to 81 years of age. A little scary it was, as we walked further into the cemetery, with not even a single soul in sight. We walked hand in hand. After reading and walking much, reached almost towards the end of cemetery, we found a nice place to sit. We sat comfortable with each other. Looked all around, and at each other. I felt a strange pure peace I never felt before. He said that it was a peace where we can hear sounds from a far away distance but the air just surrounding us had only silence in it.

Towards the boundary of the cemetery we could see innumerable monkeys jumping around in excitement as if they were looking at us. We could see baby monkeys too. Looking at them, as they came nearer, we thought it would be better to find some other place to sit, so we started walking towards the undiscovered side of the cemetery. There was an elderly couple who looked at us and turned around, probably thinking us to be ghosts.!

We walked a circular path back to the gate through which we entered. At a place near the gate we could see that many people had gathered, a body had been brought in to be buried. He went to see it, advising me to stay near the gate only.

It was a great day as we were able to spend good quality time together alone (might sound ironical), in a peaceful atmosphere, and close to each other. And ofcourse, visiting a new place is always exciting..!!!


  1. hi...
    happy new year..
    this idea was great as the last post of the year!
    really want to know whoz Anonymous 2!!
    Hey, nice template!!


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