2017 - Thank You - Part 4

Anonymous 7

As another year has drawn to a close, its time for some introspection. On the work front, the year started on a great note with our company going live with a TV Ad Campaign, and I got to witness from close quarters the planning associated with such a campaign and the (big) numbers involved with it. Post this, I was unable to crack an IJP for APM role because of some shortcomings at my end and a few misunderstandings from theirs. However just a little while post this, I got shifted against my will to the category team as an ACM. In my short stint here, I learned quite a lot and was finally thankful for the opportunity provided.

However, not all was good with respect to my future plans as even a decent percentile in my 3rd attempt proved to be futile. Down but not out, I decided to go for one final attempt (?) by putting in my papers for the first time come October when I could no longer find it possible to manage my job and studies at the same time. I am thankful to my employers for letting me go at such a short notice. Now I’m waiting for the results and hoping for the best.

This was a gadget overloaded year for me as I got a one plus 5, a MacBook Air and an amazing pair of Bose Noise Cancelling headphones which are sheer bliss to listen to. They make everything else pale in comparison. Hopefully, all these 3 will prove to be loyal companions for many years to come.
Like last year, this year too saw me go on a number of trips and I wish this number follows a straight line curve for the next few years. It started with a 1500 km road trip to Kodaikanal and Munnar with colleagues followed by a Rishikesh trip with school friends where I tried Rafting for the first time (bungee jumping, I will get to you too). The final trip with colleagues was just a few days before I left Bangalore to Kodaikanal, Kanyakumari, and Kovalam. These were punctuated by a road trip to BR Hills and a day trek to makalidurga. Ended the year with another great trip to Goa with school friends starting Christmas. Partied a lot, ate amazing food, tried parasailing, visited a lot of beaches, drove the scooty a lot and had a gala time in general.

Since I was unable to stick to my resolutions the last year, this year I won’t be making any. I just have a few goals in my mind which I will try to follow and achieve for the rest of the year.
Another thing which was advised by a close friend which I need to incorporate is lowering my expectations from friends. These hurt only me and no one else.

Oh 2018, I’m turning 25 this year, please be kind.

Anonymous 8

This year was about transitioning, reveling and learning.

2017 was the first year after grad school, an experience I will cherish and be appreciative of for many years to come. 2017 was about transitioning from being a student to being a, let's say, non-student - because that's what I felt. I was no longer a student, no set assignments to submit, no weekly deadlines and yet, I need to learn and improve every day to stay relevant (or, is it?).

After a long span of 7 years, I got the chance to live with my entire family under the same roof, for a prolonged period (6 months). My brother got married this year, which brought with a lot of new relatives. I had quite a few dinners, lunches with them this year. Anant had one with them too (to his surprise).

2017 was also rough and troubling in its own way too. It was the year where I was trying to make it work with my girlfriend. I wanted to be a good boyfriend, make her feel loved but I just couldn't force myself to love her. It was a conflicting state to be in. I realized first hand what I had read in the past: You cannot keep someone happy if you're not happy yourself; help yourself before trying to help the person next to you. We eventually split but are still on talking terms. It was perhaps best for both of us. I'm back to my old days of singing songs and humming while taking long walks and I'm sure she's enjoying life her own way too.  I learned this year how a relationship that's not working can bring down your mental state. I appreciate the lesson and hope to use it, to identify things sooner and, either eject myself from doomed failures or fix things before they are damaged irrevocably.

2017 also brought with it, a lot of travel albeit within the US. Something I didn't get a chance to do as a student. I visited Niagara Falls, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Yosemite National Park, Vegas, Boston & Cambridge and New York. 2017 was also the year, I started expressing myself more and started penning down my appreciation for people around me. I started sending postcards to special friends and family members from my trips. This is something I hope to continue doing.

To 2018, with all its aims, ambitions and challenges!

Happy New Year!

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