Last Days - II

Last Day of School life

Now school had so many last days - 1st last day, 2nd last day, farewell, Pre-board result day, Scribbling day and I don't remember them as well as I used to. But the real last day was the last board exam.

During the exam days, I would board the metro for a few stations, even though I could take a rickshaw which would make me reach home faster, so that I could get to talk to my friends. My best friend didn't want me to get down at my station that day. He insisted that I come along for a few more stations. I told him if he really wanted that, I'd do so. He just needed to repeat it once more. Being the innocent boy that he was, he didn't say a word more and let me get down since we had to prepare for the impending IIT entrance exams.

In between this, I managed to catch a glimpse of her for one last time. I knew I would not see her again. I said bye to my friends as I got down.

I wanted her to see me once more.
I did.

After de-boarding, I starting walking in the same direction in which the metro was leaving, but it immediately struck me that I was robbing the moment of its meaning by doing that, and so, I started walking in the direction from where it had come.


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