This is the hat-trick year of this custom where I ask my friends to review their year or write any special moment that they might have had during the course of the year. I am going to have a good time decades down in time when I come to read what my friends had written. There were seven friends the first time, nine friends the second time and ten this time. The graph is in the right direction. When you think deep enough, you always come to the conclusion that there is nothing that is inherently important in life. Its a clean slate and that which you place importance on becomes important. I have always maintained that friends are one of the most important part of our lives and I continue to think so. 

The time spent with friends is the best. They take you into a parallel universe where there is no worry, where there is no tension about future and no worries from the past to trouble you. There are just your friends, you and the moment. I have never wanted those moments to end. And now there is just one semester to spend with them which will not have more than 2 months because the intern I am doing will keep my busy. Before I get too emotional, let me sign off wishing a very happy new year to everyone who is reading this and the ones who are not.

Anonymous 1

It is again that time of the year. It is the time I must review. Even though I am doing this for my friend’s blog I like doing this, reviewing, reliving the past whole year on my own, for myself. Looking back, I find it very difficult to chalk out each and every event that I would want to share, but yeah I think I can come up with a brief Idea of how things rolled.  
Most of the months from January to August went into preparing for the placement season that we were to sit for. I consulted with my uncles and my brothers of all the options I had, options I should look out for, things I should be doing and things I should keep in mind before I sat for the recruitment processes of the various firms that were to come to our campus. I got valuable advice. I worked hard, everybody worked hard. And as a result, it has been a great season. All my dear and close ones are placed at good firms; I myself got placed at a firm of my own choice. I was happy! I was satisfied, and not just me most people around were and are satisfied with what they have. But then there are these, another handful of people, who not only land a job at a firm of their choice but also work hard to crack MBA entrance examinations, sit for bigger firms that do not visit our campus and are always looking out for better opportunities. I liked their spirit, I wish I had done the same, I wish I had been more ambitious. Anyways I am happy, still.
The placement season is a good time for some, a testing time for others. It brings out their good and bad. For me, I learnt a lot during the period. I learnt that experience is valuable and consulting experienced people earns you their experience. I learnt self motivation and good preparation are your best friends. I learnt that with a small push in the right direction people can do great things. I learnt when you help someone, you feel amazing!
The remaining half of the year was more of enjoying college life, exploring the city my college is in, eating new foods and barely managing to avoid flunking in any of the courses this last semester.
Lastly but most importantly to me, I lost my grandfather this year. I don’t know if I could respect any man more. The sheer number of people that turned up on the 13th day after his death could tell how much people respected him. I regret not being in touch very often, but I knew he understood. Whenever we met, we always used to have a good conversation about things going on in my life, mythology, god and other stuff. I wish I could grow up to become a man just like him, nothing more, nothing less.
 And there, that's 2012 from me, for you.

Anonymous 2

This year started like any other year, nothing new nor exciting. I had no special memories to cherish except that I had my first outstation trip with closest of my friends in December. We all had been juggling from one place to another to enjoy, and spent most of our time was spent travelling. I had told my friends at the beginning, that the trip would be 'a learning experience' (as told to me by my dad beforehand), and I'm sure they all agree to it now.

I was to find out that life had a basket full of surprises for me and equal(if not more) number of sorrows and difficulties to face.

I again had a trip with some other friends, a religious one (though it never turns out that way :P). I had a chance to know many other of my friends, spend some time with them and make our friendship even stronger. I also got a chance to sit in a helicopter for the first time in my life, which was awesome btw. Another particular moment I remember is playing cards(Uno) in one of our train journey where 2 policemen caught hold of us thinking we were gambling :-D. I was actually honored,hahaa. Another one to celebrate to birthday of my closest friend who digs out even more special place in my heart in time to come, words will not be enough to describe my feelings. Then again I had a trip with family and got to sit in an aeroplane since I don't have any memories of my first one.

Things were going well, I had made a lot of new friends, very special ones and old bonds got even stronger. But as it always has happened, life always hits me hard when I truly start to enjoy it. Let's just say those 'few' moments always disgust me, as I see the most kindest of close ones get hurt, when you are made to feel like another particle in this dust. When the extreme step is the easiest option but you have to be strong. I have watched others closely doing it, so why shouldn't I? It all may seem so exaggerated, but I really don't have the audacity to think it all over. This was also the time I did my internship, which kept me sane I might say and really helped me out in the placement season. I am very thankful to God to help me and guide me out from that phase,even though there will be many more similar ones to come in the future.

Placement season comes, time to be disheartened hahaa. I had decided to prepare well enough but it all washed away in the internship and late night chats/bakchodi with friends. Though I might regret later, but one thing I have learned that 'Memories' are important. Better to have the ones that would make you smile than arouse sadness/no feeling at all. After the very first company I was rejected in (second interview), I felt numb no feeling at all. Blaming them I started to live my life, forgetting that it was I who should have been better. Let's just say I spent every day in my room alone, waking up till late, watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S to help me smile. My friends had starting associating me with a girl at the beginning of the year, a very sweet,kind and innocent one, though I had no other feeling but that as of a friend for her. And we were being selected and rejected together and they always pointed out that. At one point I started believing it and hoped that this happens, but wishes never always come true, that's why they are called wishes. After a long wait (2 months) I got my dream job, but couldn't feel anything again. Yet again there was no rush,excitement fucking anything. Maybe I had forgotten what I truly wanted to be, maybe I was lost fulfilling the dreams of others,making them proud and in the end I was 'just another brick in the wall'. I only felt grateful to everyone,family and God and especially my brother( my idol, my role model, my everything).

I had some plans for higher studies, started to work in that direction but things got messed up in the way and right now I'm all puzzled.

The next month I found myself helping others at getting their desired jobs and all. While watching some of my friends toiling hard for one,it really crushes you. I had so many things going on that I can't even recall any one of them right now. During this time I started to pray for everyone (still do) to get what they want daily thinking it might help. A prayer doesn't take long nor hurt anybody, but if it does come true you always feel wonderful :).

And yes, I did not forget to have fun. Went out for movies, pool/snooker, rides, food, no classes, caught by teachers sleeping even if I was attending one etc. just like I've been doing for the past three years. I appreciate every single moment spent with my friends, since they are the ones who make me feel complete, worthy something I would never feel otherwise and I make every effort to spend most of my time with them.

I'd like to point out that people have always used me, I didn't feel that way until it was too much and people pointed it out. Be it a boy/girl they always take advantage of my willingness to help and my kindness, but yet again I feel content to have helped out. Another one that people always disregard my opinion/advice/suggestions everytime. First they ignore till the last moment and then most of times it turns out I'm right. Hear me out, that's all I want so I could help you but everytime I'm considered like another 'face in the crowd'. I vow not to change because of their actions, and I am not the only one to feel the same.

November was a month that let's just say the longest one. A one day trip unlocked every feeling in my heart that I had buried for so long. Fearing that everything was coming to an end, I had so much to do, so many things to say, so many moments to live. I can't actually say what I felt like, but I found myself feeling sad at odd times, the sadness that had been swallowed for long. Became emotional and found that friend of mine mentioned above to hear me out. I started to write small posts, inspirational ones. Some people did feel motivated and that made me going!

I have been trying to help everyone since the day I got my placement(did so before as well) and have started feel my old self now . There's happiness knocking at my doors right now, I must answer it for sadness doesn't give a notice :-).

In short year 2012 has been a bumpy one, and like the previous years I am just carrying the good memories with me to 2013.

Happy New Year Everyone :)

Anonymous 3

Another year goes by. This year was awesome. The best thing being the belief I started to have in myself because of two of the dearest friends I have. Would have loved to mark the end on such a positive note but for GOI. Awaiting a new year with more hope.

Anonymous 4

Its my third straight post :) :P . Its been a hell of a year. A year where my present age increased and my  remaining age decreased ( u think that its obvious , yes it is obvious but u should think about it) and if u think about it u will get to know why i have put it here. if u still dont understand u can ask me ( try to identify first who this person is :) ) . Frankly i dont like this system of year month and days there sholud be other system not like current one maybe someother i dont know which one but someother one.
But then i feel that this system is good for some people as this system of year ending and all  bring happiness. it make us feel that we can empty our bowl of problems and get ready to fill it up again next year.

Now lets talk about how my year was. i will keep it simple and short. 
its been a year full uncertainity of where to do summer/winter intern, full of joy of getting intern and not joining it, full of regret of not joining intern, full of interview questions, full of interviews, full of happiness of going to place of my dreams, full of anna hazzare and arvind kejriwals, full of not so frequent group outings, full of tympass chats on fb, full of cursing of indian cricket team, full of praise for indian olympic team, full of bitching about indian politics, full of nonfullfillmnt of mba dream, full of bunking of mba classes, full of showing middle finger to our sp lab teacher, full of joy and sorrow of entering a new phase in my life.

lots of fulls now lets talk about things which i missed this year.

less cricket, less debate on sachin vs others , less self confidence(toward later part of year) , not even less but no girlfriend :P , not boyfriend too (thank god) :) , less marks , less number of vists to colg.

thats it.

ohh i forget to add an item in fulls. its been a year full of friends , friends with benifts, friends with losses :) and a half year full of involvmnt in secret society doing very secret things :P. 

that really sums up my year .

Happy new year



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