6th Semester

Let me write, till this writing "blanket" covers me. It's rare.

Eventful. That's the word for this semester.

The overnight programming competition in JNU, where we came third after solving 4 problems in the 8 hours allotted to us. That was the only competition for which I really wanted to clear the prelims. It turned out we could only clear the prelims for that one amongst the 4 to 5 prelims we sat for. Staying out of my house all night was a big thing for me. The extra 1000 bucks, icing on the tasty cake.

Organising Mini Todo-En-Uno ( puzzles and maths and brain teasers ). The feeling I got on witnessing 270 people turning out for an event I consider to be my baby. Even in our wildest estimates, we hadn't expected that. We fell short of people, question papers, but managed everything quite well. Had to run around a lot. A fitting reply to the "gooondas" who came. And went. :D

Youth Festival at Amity. Totally rocked at it, won a total of 4 trophies. We were running all the times, to manage participating in as many events as possible. We will take a bag there next year to bring so many trophies easily.

Troika. Main Todo-En-Uno, Bits, Bytes and Bots. Somehow, none of these events matched the feeling of the Mini Todo.
Participated in a couple of events, and won runners-up awards in them.

Started preparing full-on for interviews then.

In between, Sankalan, the technical fest of DU Computer Society, the jewel in my crown this semester. First in two events ( Debugging ang Logic ) and Runners-Up in another ( Algorithm Design ). These positions are the most treasurable in my life. First, she was with me. Second, I broke the jinx of coming just 2nd and 3rd in events. This fest will always remain very close to my heart. Those who witnessed what I did after collecting each of the prizes, will understand what I mean when I say it is close to my heart. No matter how hard I tried, I won't be able to underline the severity of the insane stuff I did. I am sure no one sitting in that hall is ever going to forget me.
Though, I still just want to mention the slogan I gave everyone - " YES ! YES !! YES !!! ".
I know that I am Mad, I portray a little bit of it everyday, but that day I got a stage to showcase it, and I din't let go of the opportunity.
Even after the prize distribution ceremony was over, I could hear the slogan being repeated by many people from different distant places.
I would really like to thank her for all these achievements, we couldn't have done it without her. She helped me break the jinx. Whenever I have participated with her in a team, I haven't come back empty handed.

We finally got back to playing cricket this semester.

I faced two massive "kattas" just the last week. Two companies were coming for hiring interns, and I was fancying my chances in both of them and was preparing hard. On the last spot, after sitting for the PPT, they came out with a list which din't allow me to sit for the written round. And if that wasn't enough, the next company also short-listed candidates. Both of them did the same on the basis of percentage, considering which I am the Five Point Something of DCE. Maybe Six Point Something.
I lost all desire to prepare for interviews that day. I had been preparing hard for interviews since some time now. I thought that what use is any of it if I am not allowed to sit. I became philosophical that day after a long time.

The big question needs to be answered before this year comes to an end - What after B.E. !!
Earlier it was sure, an MBA but I have spent the past few months in the Tech domain and I wouldn't want to abandon it. I even stopped going to the MBA coaching classes. Ironically, my performance has shot up since then. I am pondering over an MS, but then I don't have anyone to guide me. Plus, my percentage doesn't give me any edge either. So, let's see what it's gonna be !!

ps - This wasn't much of a post. Just a collection of memories for this semester.


  1. Firstly, congrats on all your wins! They will be very helpful later. As far as internship goes, you can try for off-campus. There are always better options.

    It will also help a lot if you decide what you want to do now, be it MBA or MS. And really focus on that. I had left studying completely after getting placed early on, and I really regretted it. So make one decision and stick to it, no matter what. MS is a good option and its not really as complicated as it seems. My bf just applied last year, so can always ask me if you have any queries! All the best!

  2. Thanks a lot :)
    It would be nice if you could help me out with a lot of doubts, but are you sure you would be like to be pestered a great deal with a barrage of emails ? :D
    If yes, then leave your email-id here and brace yourself :D

  3. I don't mind trying..I know how helpless one feels on things like this. My email id is aanchal.blue@gmail.com. Please be patient bcoz my replies may not be immediate. Like this one. :)


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