"I missed you so much", he said as they hugged each other so tight as if it was the last time they were doing this. Whereas the truth was that they were meeting each other after a long time. They didn't leave each other till the time all the love they had missed in all these months blended within both of them.

Because they lived in different cities, they got to meet only once in few months. The time between these months would be very difficult for them. They would keep thinking about the last encounter they had and that would keep a faint smile in their hearts, and a part of them hoped that they get to meet soon. It wasn't very tough also because they were busy in their lives and they kept in touch through phone, but still the joy of holding each other and looking into each other's eyes couldn't be matched.

"I didn't miss you", she said sarcastically, "Stupid", releasing herself from him. "Why did you call me at this particular place?", she asked. He took out a small piece of black cloth and blindfolded her. When she asked him why he was doing so, he replied that she would get to know in some time.

He held her hand and then started walking."Where are you taking me?", she kept asking frequently but he remained silent. They kept walking for a while and told each other about what what they had been doing in the past few days.

Finally, they reached where he wanted to take her. He made her sit down and sat down himself as well. She asked him if now she could remove the cloth but he simply denied. He said he would tell her when she needed to do it. He removed the lock of hair that had fallen on her face.

When the right time finally came , he unwrapped the cloth that masked her eyes and told her to look straight into the horizon.

She couldn't believe her eyes on looking at the horizon. The setting sun was more beautiful than anything she had ever seen. The myriad shades of pink and orange of the sky were indescribable. A faint breeze was blowing which accentuated the silence and the beauty of the moment. It seemed that they were the only ones in this world. Neither of them wanted anything as long as they were together.

She eased herself back into his shoulders and remarked, "This is simply the most beautiful scene I have her seen." A few moments later, she said, "It seems that this setting sun is painting the sky in all these hues."

He wasn't looking into the horizon . He was looking into her eyes all this time and seeing the joy that gleamed in her eyes. This gleam would stay with him and light his heart for a long time. He knew that whatever she was saying was absolutely true.

He had been coming here and seeing this for the past many days. Whenever he would miss her, he would come and sit alone at this very place. And when he observed this thing, he had decided that he would get her one day for sure and that day finally came.

And just when she thought that this was all, he grabbed her hand and pointed it towards the sun again. A flurry of birds passed in front of the sun, chirping their arrival as well as their departure. She saw them and didn't say anything this time. She was beyond words, as if she had just had witnessed an act of God himself. She just looked him and hugged him once again saying the three most beautiful words.

He said, "You know ? Our love is like these birds of twilight. We fly with each other for a while but then we just fly and fade into darkness."
She was understandably upset,"Why are you saying all this?".
"But you know what the good thing is? We are together even as we fly into darkness and get to fly each day after the night ends."


  1. Amazing stuff. .
    Keep writing, would love to

  2. Thanks a lot, Ashish. Even I hope I keep writing, and you will be the first one always to hear my blogposts.

  3. Maza aa gaya yaar...
    It's really remarkable..

  4. gr8. the scene cudn't have been described btr.

  5. @Arpit and Mandeep: Thanks yaar. Appreciation always motivates me to write more.


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