
Showing posts from October, 2016


एक पेड़ खिड़की से दिखता था मचलता झूलता हमेशा नज़र आता था पर बाहर जब भी मैं जाता था शांत होकर खड़ा हो जाता था वापिस अंदर आने पर मेरे फिर अपना नाच शुरू कर देता था ये सिलसिला काफी दिन चला और थमने का नाम नहीं लिया एक दिन मैंने खिड़की तोड़ दी और फिर कभी बाहर नहीं देखा

The Swing by the Sea

By the sea I was standing by the swing As you came by and sat I stepped back Pulled the swing And let it loose Slowly you opened your wings And everytime the swing came back Your warm wings crashed on me I never saw your face I knew your mind was empty I knew you stared at the horizon Just as I thought The wings would only trace this pendulum You flew towards the setting sun Do you know how to swim? Do you know there's no island in sight? Do you know it will be dark soon? Or that Even if you change your mind You might be too tired to return Or did you fly away Only because you knew this all Another day I would have come with you But I just looked down And kept swinging the swing I'm not your sea I'm not your horizon But I will be here Your shore