2014 - Time and Place - Part 0
Anonymous 0 2014 - Lets take a round figure 2048 :) This year has been like this. Full of geeky stuff. When i joined the company someone told me that rest of your life will be occupied mostly by your work and he is right. This year has been occupied almost by work only , So rest of post will be dominated by my work only. I will try and break year into 14 points or maybe i will eventually went on for round figure of 16. 1. Jan - Year started with a cricket practice and then a cricket match which my team won . Perfect start. This with chilly office trips and occassional work from homes mark the January month. 2. Feb - No different office , work , metro, 4hrs trip, not so good work somehow managed to let go feb also. 3. March - This is where things start looking interesting. Decided in my mind enough of this work. This needs to be changed. Bad dreams about future. This goes on for weeks before i finally gather courage to talk to my manager. Yes i was such a je...