
Showing posts from December, 2011

AU REVOIR 2011 - Part 3

As I am sitting fumbling with my keyboard to keep up the deadline of publishing the year end post in this year itself, I can head Kolaveri-Di from some adjoining society. What else, all the people in the party are singing it along. And here I am, working faster than what I can to meet my self-imposed deadline. Here are my remaining friends. Anonymous 5 I can barely remember all that happened this year, things that i actually do remember go back only a month.  So after a great effort going into this, I've listed all that i do remember about this year and that makes me Smillllle every time!! 1. Ami, Newest addition to our family!  2. Every moment spent at L.C, for those who dont know, L.C is one of the best Hangout places in my college, for me it has become a place of daily celebration and joy! (You have to have the Chhola Samosa with the spicy chutney) 3. Seeing through our college's cultural fest from the start uptil the end of it, One of the best experiences I have eve...

AU REVOIR 2011 - Part 2

This is the 2nd part of my year end post. How can it be complete without my friends, the people who mean all this life to me. Last year I asked some of my friends to write for my blog in my year end post. I wanted them to write about their year - any important moment, any unforgettable moment, or what the year meant for them. I have repeated the same this year too and now I intend to make it an yearly ritual, though the friends writing will keep on changing. There are some new people this year, few from the last year din't write this year. Anyway, looking on the bright side, the family size has increased. Since all the entries if combined in one post will make it look like a novella, I will divide it into two posts. Before their experiences, there is a song which I couldn't mention in the previous post. I don't know if I understand these lyrics completely, I don't even know if I relate to any of them, but I just Love it. Kabhi mujhe lagey ke jaise, saara hi ...

AU REVOIR 2011 - Part 1

2010 is coming to an end. For some reasons, I haven't been able to do justice to the facebook status I had put at the outset this year - "Each year of life has been better than the last, here's to hoping the same for this year - Happy new Year". There aren't any golden moments to revisit this year. It has been a dull, drab year which has seen the fountain of confusion spouting at the highest intensity. Each night , I had a revelation about how I wanted to spend my life, only to go to the complete opposite other side of the pendulum the next day. This earned me the nickname of Jhoole Baba, from myself. That I spent 3 weeks down with dengue might be the only thing I remember this year for, except the confusion ofcourse. I also spoilt the reputation I had earned in all the 14 years of my student life till now, by attending classes even on mass-bunk days and not agreeing to it on other occasions, the side effects of dengue supposedly. This was the year when I would ...